The days are longer, the temperatures are rising and as of a few days ago, it is officially Summer. Besides the family road trip there are a few things that personally mean summer to me. Chilled cucumbers with lemon and salt, my kids catching fireflies. This got me wondering, what are some other things that mean Summer?
Here are a few responses I have received from friends and family:
1. Fresh watermelon.
2. Fireworks!
3. Sweet corn.
4. Margaritas!!!
5. Fresh tomatoes and herbs from the garden.
6. Blackberries (Hello Wild Berry Farm!)
7. Sunflowers (Of course they had to be on the list!)
8. Last but not least, my favorite because it is new to me...peanuts and Coke!

Looking for something to do related to the items on the list?
Celina Splash and Blast on June 29th at Old Celina Park from 4pm - 11pm.
Prosper Pride in the Sky is July 3rd from 3pm - 10:30pm at Frontier Park
Gunter Fireworks in the Park is July 4th from 6pm-10pm at Gunter City Park
Blackberries and Sunflowers!
Wild Berry Farm in Sadler is open for picking blackberries, blueberries, and sunflowers. They also sell plants if you want to try growing blackberries yourself .
This is a hard one for me...who has the best Margaritas in town? Maybe Celina Ladies and Friends needs to do a Margarita taste test!
What are your signs for Summer? What does Summer mean to you?
#summertime #celinatx #guntertx #prospertx #summertraditions #peanutsandcoke #fireworks #summer #celinaladiesandfriends #makingnewfriends
Summer for me starts with the Solstice (June 21st). I started a new tradition this year to wear flower crowns and eat Solstice Cake as a celebration. Solstice Cake is a Lemon Chiffon cake layered with strawberries and whipped cream. Before this year though Summer signs for me were going camping, hiking, gardening and splashing in the pool. Fireworks were a pretty definite sign as well.