The Celina Lady of the Month is Michelle Lee Baggett! She does all kinds of great things around town including Celina's Friday Night Market which is tonight! Don't forget to visit the Celina Ladies & Friends booth! Happy Friday

How long have you lived in the Celina area?I have lived in Celina for 6 years. What brought you here?Ultimately, I believe God placed me in Celina. He knew I wanted to raise my family in a small community and be involved. He had the perfect person picked out for me and I met him here in Celina just a few years later. What is your favorite thing about Celina?I love that Celina is a small town that bleeds orange. This entire community will rally around each other in times of need and I think it is truly amazing. Seeing the community line themselves down 289 cheering our neighbors in Gunter on as they made their way to state in football was an incredible sight to see. Celina is home and I know that if my family needed anything, this entire Bobcat community would be willing to help. What do you like about Celina Ladies & Friends?I like that Celina Ladies & Friends involves women in all walks and stages of their life. This organization has introduced me to some amazing ladies and I have made some incredible friendships that I will have for the rest of my life. Tell me about your family?My husband, Christopher, and I got married in 2015 at Carmela Winery off the square in Celina. Together we have 5 children: Gracelyn is 18 and will be attending Collin, Caleb is 14 and will be a freshman at Celina High School, Lily is 7 and will be in second grade at Celina Elementary, Martha is 6 and will be in first grade at Celina Elementary, and William is 3 and will continue to be my sidekick until he starts Kindergarten. We have 2 dogs, June and Preston, and might just have some puppies soon. Our house is loud at times but full of lots of love. Tell us about your job/businesses?I feel like I have several jobs! I am the social media coordinator for the non-profit group, Human Coalition. Human Coalition is dedicated to making abortion unthinkable and unavailable by providing compassionate care to the preborn and their families. I am very passionate about this cause and started out volunteering my time for them as a facebook monitor. I was asked to take on a bigger role 3 years ago and couldn’t have been happier. I now manage a group of volunteers and oversee social media accounts. I love that I am able to work from home or in line at the grocery store. In 2014, as a Celina Ladies & Friends board member, I brought the idea of a farmers market to Celina. With the help of CL&F the Friday Night Market was born and I am the Market Director. I serve on the Celina ISD PTA board as the Hospitality Chair and am very excited for the upcoming school year and being able to serve the Celina ISD schools. I absolutely love the City of Celina and the neighborhood that we live in and am honored to be a Board Member on the City of Celina Main Street Board as well as the Secretary of our HOA Board of Directors. At the end of the day I am the chaos coordinator in our home. What do you want people to know about you?I grew up in Frisco (believe it or not but Frisco was once upon a time the size of Celina) and am proud to have been a Frisco Coon. I do not like pineapples and my favorite color is navy. If you could turn any activity into an Olympic sport, what would you have a good chance at winning medal for?My husband seems to think the most appropriate answer to this question is mopping What is the luckiest thing that has happened to you?I won the lottery when I met my husband. He is patient with me and supports me in everything I am called to do. He is an amazing husband, father, and friend. Who inspires you?This is tough because there are a lot of people that have inspired me in my life and I am sure there will be many more; but overall, I’d have to say my grandparents, Johnnie & Frances Reuther, have inspired me the most. After moving to Katy Texas my grandmother started a program at the local hospital for volunteers, she later was able to get my grandfather up at the hospital with her volunteering. Together they logged thousands of hours volunteering at the hospital. She was also very active with the ladies auxiliary. My grandfather is a WW2 veteran and was very active at the VFW post helping organize community activities. He went to church every Sunday and stayed very involved in his church. My grandparents were recognized often in their communities and received the Senior Citizens of the year Appreciation Award in 2008. Their dedication to their community and their faith is what inspires me.