Summer over all ready? Yes! It is almost time for the kids to go back to school. If your children attend Celina ISD the first day back is only 5 days away. In our household, we are getting the kids back in the swing of things by going to bed a little earlier and starting to get them up closer to school hours. All school supplies have been purchased and their backpacks are neatly hanging up by the door, ready for the first day of school. What are some of your tips and tricks that you use to get your kiddos back in the mood for school?

This weekend, August 9-11, is tax-free weekend. During tax-free weekend no local and state sales tax is charged on school supplies, clothing, and shoes. Some restaurants may also be participating in tax-free weekend, so keep a look out for all of those savings. Don't forget your local shops during the weekend. Annie Jack, Willow House and Grace Bridge in the Square are participating so go by and check them out!
Tomorrow is also the first Meet the Bobcats tailgate event. Celina Ladies and Friends loves our Bobcats so we will be there supporting them. Come by and check out the new stadium, meet the players and check out local business there to support our schools. It starts at 8am and goes until 1pm. We will have ice cold drinks, freshly baked goods and games. Our raffle items include a beautiful wreath featuring our Bobcat colors, football jewelry and a gift card!
Hope to see you all tomorrow!